Kate August was born and raised in the Bay Area and finds inspiration by our diverse communities and landscape. She is a graduate of ACCHS in Oakland, where she received a Masters in Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine. She comes to the field with ten years experience as an educator and clinical western herbalist and is staff faculty at the California School of Herbal Studies. As an herbal medicine practitioner and acupuncturist, she believes in the body’s innate ability to heal when provided the correct support and environment.   The ebb and flow of the seasons is a guiding force for our well being - our emotional and physical bodies are deeply connected.  With this knowledge, Kate engages with the spiritual aspect of harmonizing the energy of the body with acupuncture, qigong, herbal medicine and nutritional support. With a particular interest in pain management and elderly support, Kate is honored to treat people during all stages of life. She believes that all people have the right to live comfortably in their minds & bodies. When not in the clinic you can find her playing in nature, preferably by the water’s edge. 

Kate August was born and raised in the Bay Area and finds inspiration by our diverse communities ... Read More

Practico la Medicina Clásica China desde hace más de una década. Esta vocación comenzó para mí con el amor por las plantas, por estar en la naturaleza y recibir los beneficios de lo que los japoneses llaman “baños de naturaleza”. Entonces comencé a querer saber los nombres de las plantas y qué podían “hacer”. Busqué libros sobre plantas medicinales y comencé un programa de masajes de acupresión, cuando de repente se me ocurrió: lo que buscaba tenía un nombre y una historia de más de 2.000 años: la medicina clásica china.

El camino del estudio nunca termina y me considero afortunado de continuar mis estudios con maestros en mi campo como Z’ev Rosenburg, Genevieve LeGoff, Elizabeth Wakefield y Ephram Korngold.

Me considero un proveedor familiar de espectro completo. Me encanta tratar a personas en todas las fases de la vida, incluidos niños y bebés. Tratar a las familias a lo largo del viaje reproductivo y más allá es mi absoluta alegría.

Obtuve una Maestría en Ciencias de Estudios Intensivos de 4 años en Medicina Oriental Tradicional del Pacific College of Oriental Medicine en San Diego en 2010 y pasé mis exámenes de la junta y obtuve la licencia de la Junta de Acupuntura de California.

I have been practicing Classical Chinese Medicine for over a decade. This vocation started for me with a love of plants, of being in nature and receiving the benefits of what the Japanese call “nature bathing”. Then I started to want to know the names of the plants and what they could “do”. I sought out books on medicinal plants and started an acupressure massage program when it suddenly came together for me: what I sought for had a name and a longer than 2,000 year history - Classical Chinese medicine.

The path of study is never ending and I consider myself lucky to continue my studies with masters in my field such as Z’ev Rosenburg, Genevieve LeGoff, Elizabeth Wakefield, and Ephram Korngold.

I consider myself a full spectrum family provider. I love to treat people at all phases of life including children and babies. Treating families through the reproductive journey and beyond is my absolute joy.

I earned a 4 year intensive studies Masters of Science in Traditional Oriental Medicine from Pacific College of Oriental Medicine in San Diego in 2010 and went on to pass my board exams and get licensed with the California Board of Acupuncture.

Practico la Medicina Clásica China desde hace más de una década. Esta vocación comenzó para mí co... Read More

Hablo español.

In the late 80s, curiosity led me to my first acupuncture treatment for hip pain due to a climbing injury. I didn’t want to take pain killers so I went to someone a friend recommended. It worked! I returned to Chinese Medicine for severe migraines. Through acupuncture, herbal formulas and lifestyle-change guidance from my acupuncturist, I found the treatment highly effective and it quickly became my preferred form of medicine.

Born and raised in the Bay Area, I returned to Oakland for Chinese Medicine school after living in London and Spain for five years, then Boston for twelve. In the 90s I jumped into the excitement of the developing tech industry, helping build out the internet for a school district and facilitating the integration of technology in the classroom for teachers and students. But after network and computer problem solving for years, it became clear I wanted a big change, one that included working with people.

Acupuncture had been a big interest for years, so when I casually blurted to a stranger that I was quitting my career to become an acupuncturist, I listened to that calling. And I’ve never looked back. In addition to my clinic work, I am also an acupuncturist on the streets of Oakland, treating our financially underprivileged, unhoused population as part of a non-profit harm reduction team that has been serving the community for over 30 years.

Education: Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist, California, 2014 Acupuncture and Integrative Medicine College, Berkeley BA in Anthropology, UC Berkeley (with a focus on medical anthropology)

Internships and additional study: Teaching Hospital, Tiangin, China (gynecology, neurology, and dermatology) Sports Acupuncture for student athletes, Stadium Fitness center at U.C. Berkeley Internship with Robert Levine LAc. (four years) BayVAc (free clinic for military veterans, unhoused) Master Tung acupuncture lineage with Susan Johnson Daoist Medical Qigong certification with Dr. Suzanne Friedman

Hablo español. In the late 80s, curiosity led me to my first acupuncture treatment for hip pain ... Read More

Dr. Andrea Riveros L.Ac, DAcHM candidato se graduó como Medico y Cirujana General de la universidad Fundación Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud en Bogotá, Colombia en el 2008. Andrea trabajó como medico general hasta que decidió estudiar Medicina Tradicional China. Andrea se graduó en el 2018 y obtuvo su maestría acá en los Estados Unidos y va a terminar su doctorado en Medicina China a comienzos del 2025. Desde el 2018 Andrea hace parte del grupo de profesores en ACCHS enseñando classes de medicina. Andrea tiene licencia de acupunturista y herbalista en California, su conocimiento en las dos medicinas hacen que su practica tenga un amplio entendimiento del cuerpo humano y su relación con la dieta, meditación y movimiento.

Dr. Andrea Riveros L.Ac, DAcHM Candidate, graduated as a Medical Doctor from “Fundacion Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud” in Bogotá, Colombia in 2008, worked as a GP until she decided to pursue a Master’s Degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine here in the US. Andrea graduated from the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences (ACCHS) in 2018, and is almost done with her doctorate (beginning of 2025) and since 2018 Andrea became an Associate Professor at the Academy, teaching Western Medical Sciences. Andrea is a Licensed Acupuncturist and Herbalist in California. Her knowledge of both Western Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine bring to her practice a broader understanding of the human body and its relationship with diet, meditation practices and movement.

Dr. Andrea Riveros L.Ac, DAcHM candidato se graduó como Medico y Cirujana General de la universid... Read More

After completing one year of training at the Institute of Medical Careers in Pittsburg, PA, I have been a certified myofascial trigger point therapist since January 2013. This specialized type of bodywork is based on the works of Dr. Janet Travell and Dr. David Simons, whose careers focused on the treatment of pain and dysfunction caused by muscular and fascial imbalances. I have spent the last decade trying to ease the pain and suffering of people with chronic and acute pain.

Early in my practice I realized that suffering from pain was a multi-faceted dynamic and in 2018 I began a four-year journey in the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine at the Academy of Chinese Culture and Health Sciences in Oakland. The program included 950 hours of clinical patient care, in addition to the rigorous study of TCM philosophy, diagnosis, and treatment through acupuncture, herbal medicine, movement, massage, and nutrition. I successfully passed my state board examination and became a California licensed acupuncturist in July 2020. I practice both acupuncture and myofascial trigger point therapy, depending on individual needs. I have come to understand that overcoming pain and dysfunction requires guidance and treatment by the practitioner and investment by the patient. It is my privilege to teach self-care and movement as part of the recovery process. I look forward to continuing my studies in orthopedic acupuncture techniques and herbal medicine as part of the treatment for people suffering from pain and dysfunction.

After completing one year of training at the Institute of Medical Careers in Pittsburg, PA, I hav... Read More

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